At Evolution International s.r.l. we design from the ground our moulds and electronics and we write internally each coding line of our operating system that is the heart of our Smart Airsoft Guns.
After the production, we test each Made in Italy Electronic Trigger System one by one.
We do all that in Evolution International Factory based in Milano, Italy.
This advanced electronic control unit has been completely designed, developed and manufactured in Italy by Evolution International’s Engineers.
The E.T.S. III™ is the most advanced programmable electronic trigger ever installed in a stock air soft gun and it is the easiest to use.
While other manufacturers install electronic units with very limited basic functions and require to buy additional software to unlock the advanced functions and use an external programming unit, PC or apps to program them, the E.T.S.III™ has all the advanced functions out of the box, and no need of extras to use them, all you need is your finger as all functions, even the most advanced ones, are programmed via trigger. Fast and easy!
The new range of Smart Airsoft Guns GHOST 2 incorporates the powerful E.T.S.II™, Electronic Trigger System.
This advanced electronic control unit has been completely designed, developed and manufactured in Italy by Evolution International’s Engineers.
With the E.T.S. II™ you can easily assign different functions to the selector lever’s SEMI and AUTO positions. With its advanced programming functions you’ll be able to customize the behavior of your replica and make it do exactly what you want by using just the selector lever and the trigger, without any limitation or need to use external units to program the functions or to buy additional software to unlock the most advanced features. To program the functions it is not necessary to disconnect the battery, you will be able to change the functions easily and in seconds also during games.
Business inquiries: info@evolutioninternational.it