Inside Evolution International Factory in Milano, Italy with Airsoft Review En Español
A few days ago, Christian the Youtube Channel “Airsoft Review en Español” owner, visited our factory in Milano, Italy.
In this two days visit we went through our design processes, moulds manufacturing, electronics developing processes, assembly line and our internal Quality Check procedures. In this video you’ll see only a small part of what Evolution International really is. But for sure from here you’ll understand our unique strength that differentiate our Brand to all others Airsoft Brands in the World: Evolution International S.r.l. is the only company in the World who manufactures Air Soft Guns outside Asia and does it in Italy, exactly in Milano, the World’s Capital of design.
“Airsoft Review en Español” is the most followed YouTube Channel followed by the Spanish speaking Airsoft players, mostly active on the Spanish and South American areas and in the US East Cost.
Evolution International S.r.l. is the only airsoft company in the world that designs from the ground their own moulds and electronics, writes internally each coding line of their proprietary operating system that is the heart of their Smart Air Soft Guns, the new catergory of air soft guns pioneered by Evolution International with their first ETS two years before any other and that nowadays is the new trend in the airsoft market.
Evolution International Assembly Line Evolution Airsoft E.T.S.III Evolution International Assembly Line
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