Evolution International Smart Airsoft Gun on Airsoft International Magazine – Issue October 2021
At Evolution International S.r.l. we design from the ground our moulds and electronics and we write internally each coding line of our operating system that is the heart of our Smart Airsoft Guns.
We do all this here, in our factory: we are the only Airsoft company in the World who manufactures Air Soft Guns outside Asia and does it in Italy, exactly in Milano, the World’s Capital of Design.
When we speak about SMART AIR SOFT GUN we refer to the new category of Air Soft Guns pioneered by Evolution Airsoft with their first E.T.S, two years before any other Airsoft Company, and that nowadays is the top trend in the Airsoft Market.
As an Italian Company, Evolution International S.r.l. is always looking for the perfection, the avant-garde and development. For this reason, the heart of our Smart Airsoft Guns, the E.T.S.IIITM , has been upgraded with many new improvements.
Evolution International S.r.l. decided to adopt the new T-PLUG instead of the Mini-Tamiya.
We decided to make these changes during the last revision and update of the E.T.S.III. We upgrade it and replace the mini tamia connector with a t-plug.
We examined the various proposals on the market, collected samples of the various t-plug manufacturers and decided to adopt the AIRSOFT T PLUG ( https://airsofttplug.com ) which turned out to be the one with the best performance and with a rating up to 50 Ah which is a much higher value than any other type of battery that the market can deliver.
All this is perfectly in line with Evolution philosophy.
In fact, the strength and quality of the elements are oversized compared to the real needs in order to guarantee the top in terms of performance and durability.
Along with the adoption of the t-plug, the Wiring Cables have been completely revised to speed up assembly and further increase resistance with the addition of a protective
Now the Evolution International S.r.l. Smart Airsoft Guns are equipped with E.T.S.III, T-PLUG and ultra-resistant wiring with a much more minimal and clean design, reinforcing the concept of Italian design and quality.
At the same time, together with the launch of these novelties, Evolution International S.r.l. also launched on the market their new batteries with T- PLUG connector which are the perfect companion for our Smart Airsoft Guns.
To find out more about Evolution International E.T.S.III https://www.evolutioninternational.it/pdf/ETS3_instructions_web.pdf
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